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About your Nicho P&C

Our Vision 

To be every family’s school of choice on the Balmain Peninsula.

Our Purpose

The Nicholson Street Parent and Citizens (P&C) Association is a volunteer organisation that provides parents with a voice, and strives to promote a strong and vibrant school experience by partnering with the school and its teachers, the students, their families, and the community.  The P&C primarily adds value through parent volunteers, parental input, parent expertise/access, and P&C funding.

Our Guiding Principles

  1. The welfare and safety of the children is always our number one priority

  2. Supporting the teachers and school in the education of our children is our primary focus

  3. All approved submissions must align with one of more of our vision and focus areas – Education, School Environment, and Community Development

  4. To ensure families who invest their time and money benefit, no single investment shall take more than 12 months to deliver a return

  5. The P&C executive and subcommittees exist to support and implement the vision of the P&C and School

  6. Heritage and sustainability should always be considered

  7. All work must align with the school values

Our Areas of Focus

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